We're excited you'll be joining us!
*Art Classes* at Rivertown Riverhouse from 3-5pm.
140 Landing St.
St Johns, Fl 32259
Bring a water bottle, snack, and great attitude to learn.
With the One time registration fee, $20 and $15 siblings, the student gets apron, string bag and drawing pad.
I have to adjust an increase the prices starting Summer 24, because of materials prices and space.
$25 per class for student, $20 sibling.
Drop off between- ............................... 3:00 - 3:15 pm freelance coloring, or drawing
Demonstration/hands on -................. 3:15 - 4:15 pm Art piece painting acrylic or watercolor or mix, media
craft time................................................4:15 - 5:00 pm
Everything else you need will be provided for you.
We're excited you'll be joining us!
*Art Classes* at Rivertown Riverhouse from 3-5pm.
140 Landing St.
St Johns, Fl 32259
Bring a water bottle, snack, and great attitude to learn.
With the One time registration fee, $20 and $15 siblings, the student gets apron, string bag and drawing pad.
I have to adjust an increase the prices starting Summer 24, because of materials prices and space.
$25 per class for student, $20 sibling.
Drop off between- ............................... 3:00 - 3:15 pm freelance coloring, or drawing
Demonstration/hands on -................. 3:15 - 4:15 pm Art piece painting acrylic or watercolor or mix, media
craft time................................................4:15 - 5:00 pm
Everything else you need will be provided for you.